What better way to kick off Tunesdays than with a feature on ACL?

ACL [Austin City Limits Music Festival] is one of the best weekends of my year–maybe THE best weekend. The Sunday after it’s over I start counting down the 365 days until the next time I get to spend 3 days in my city’s biggest, sunny, green park overlooking the lake jammin’ to every type of music imaginable.

It had been a couple of years since I last attended, and it couldn’t have been better weather…and better music.

Opening day began commenced with some favorites — Temples, Lake Street Dive, & Chvrches

Midday J.Roddy Walston & The Business got funky on my favorite Austin Ventures stage [which usually features smaller, more local bands].

And of course Outkast wrapped it up but made sure to keep us stoked for the next 2 days. Hey ya!

To explore all the bands of Day 1 check out the full schedule here.

[ACL Day 2 up next Tunesday]

photographed by: The LaRues
taken in: Zilker Park, Austin, TX